PDRA Position Available
A fully-funded Postdoc position in the group is currently available. See more...
The Dixon Group
Research in the Dixon lab is centred on the development of new, broadly useful, synthetic methodologies and their application to the synthesis of molecules of importance in nature, biology, medicine and materials science. We design and deploy new multifunctional cooperative catalysts and catalytic systems to uncover new reactivity, and our interests span curiosity-driven to target-driven research themes.
If you are interested in finding out more about our research, or indeed in joining the group, please do not hesitate to get in touch by emailing Darren (darren.dixon@chem.ox.ac.uk).
Recent Publications

Group News
5th July 2024
This week, we welcome Evan Rutter, who is joining the group for a summer internship.
This week, we welcome Evan Rutter, who is joining the group for a summer internship.
15th June 2024
A fond farewell to this year's Part II students Cam, Rob and Eddie. Best of luck to all three for their future endeavours.
A fond farewell to this year's Part II students Cam, Rob and Eddie. Best of luck to all three for their future endeavours.
10th June 2024
Welcome back to Dong-Hang Tan, who is re-joining the group as a postdoc.
Welcome back to Dong-Hang Tan, who is re-joining the group as a postdoc.